Sunday, December 21, 2008

Is your child ready for Potty?

I've extracted this simple survey to determine if your child is ready for potty from the Motherhood magazine. The number of 'yes' ascertain the readiness of your child.
Hope it is useful for the parents out there.

1. Does your child stay dry for at least 2 hours, or is usually dry after naptime?

2. Is your child walking well, and is able to walk to the bathroom?

3. Can your child undress himself?

4. Does your toddler show that he needs to urinate or have a bowel moverment, either through his facila expressions, posture, by escaping to a private place, or using words/grunting?

5. Are your child's bowel movements regular and predictable?

6. Is your child bothered or uncomfortable if he sits around in a wet or dirty diaper?

7. Can your child understand simple concepts like clean/dirty and wet/clean?

8. Is your child familiar with toileting words (e.g. pee, poop, urinate, wipe), as well as parts of the body associated with potty use?

9. Can your child follow simple instructions?

10. Is your child able to sit down quietly for 4 to 5 minues at a time?

11. Does your child follow you or your spouse into the bathroom?

12. Does your child try to imitate other children or family members using the toilet?

13. Does your child show interest in wearing big-kid underwear, and is asking not to use diapers?

14. Is your child generally cooperative and happy to please his parents?

15. Is your child experiencing any major event (e.g. m0oved into a new home) or change of routine (e.g. just started day care)?

11-15 'Yes' : Your child seems ready! Go buy a potty if you haven't done so. Decide on which toilet training approach you prefer. Do read up on problems you may encounter. Remember to give your child plenty of encouragement and praise!

6-10 'Yes' : Your child is getting there soon. Keep his curiosity going. Talk about the process, read children's books or watch DVDs on toileting together, and expose him to potty vocabulary. Keep pressure off though.

1-5 'Yes' : Your child probably needs a little more time. Keep looing out for signs of readiness and ignore comparison with other kids. Take cue from yoru child and stay cool.

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